Mankato Area Growers’ Association Application (New Vendor)

Prospective vendors of the Mankato Farmers’ Market must fill out an application and be accepted by the Board of Directors. If accepted, and upon payment of membership fee and stall fee, vendors are then entitled to the rights and privileges of membership.

In filling out and submitting this form, you are seeking membership in the Mankato Area Growers’ Association (MAGA) and the privilege of selling at the Mankato Farmers’ Market. You are agreeing to abide by all rules and regulations of MAGA, as specified in the by-laws.

This includes:

  • You grow, raise, or create all your products yourself.

  • You are not selling on behalf of another party.

  • You live within a 40 mile radius of the Mankato Farmers’ Market.

  • Unless exempted from the rules as a specialty product, you accept all responsibility for proper licensing and conformance to the law of your products and business.

  • You will only sell good-quality, fresh products.

  • You accept full responsibility for the quality of your products.

  • You consent to an on-farm or on-site inspection to assure that the products are grown, made, or produced by you.

  • You also agree to pay any additional fees for leasing costs voted and approved by MAGA.

Upon receipt of this form, you will be asked to provide proof of liability insurance and other required documents.

By clicking submit below, I agree to the conditions stated above and that all information I have stated on this form is correct and truthful. In addition, if my application is approved, I agree to abide by the rules, regulations and by-laws as set forth by the Mankato Area Growers’ Association.

The Board of Directors will review your application. For questions, email us at